Monday 17 September 2018

What is the type of information to be stored in a ERP database ?

What kind of information should be retrieved in a ERP software ?
Information is the piece of collected data which further takes the form of a raw material to be processed by run time applications. In this post we will try to understand that in a ERP software which types of information can be stored in an ERP software -

Strategy information -
This information is generally related to the information which is completely related to the objectives and long term policies of an organization. Like - acquiring of new organization, diversification of plants, innovating new products etc.

Tactical Information -   
This information is generally required to control over the business resources like - budgetary control, service level, inventory management, stock planning and control and productivity level of employees etc.

Operational information -
This information is generally related to the plant/ business level tasks and operations and it is also related to the shift specific, operator specific and machinery specific. This information is generally related to the proper conduction of the operational activities.

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